Nov 23, 2009


Many times in our lives we avoid talking or contacting people anticipating that the other person will take it in wrong way. Sometimes we do this to people who are very close and dear to us. Why? Why don't we realise that its always better to open up instead of keeping things inside.

What i feel is that relations are like standing on a bridge. There may be gaps and distance but one should remember that in the end the bridge is connected. Its us who has to decide that should we walk in opposite directions or towards each other. When as a human we apprehend something we should remember that what you think may be wrong. One should have confidence in the relation you are having.

Its a universal fact that humans think to avoid hurting a specific person only if that person so close to you. You give a damn to people whom you don't care. My question is, if you love that specific person so much its obvious that this person also cares about you. So why to be afraid of talking and telling what you feel. The relations work good if it has trust and faith....

Don't you think that Apprehensions is one of the root causes in conflicts in life.....


Gyaan Guru said...

Hey Soch, I'd agree with you for most parts of it but sometimes, some thing are better left unsaid.. maybe for the reason that you quoted i.e. to avoid conflicts or maybe for other reasons...
Like most of the time I don't share my opinions or decisions because I know that they will be termed as "bulls**t" and shunned away.

SOCH... said...

Hey Gyaan Guru
I agree.... Everyone has his privacy... In your decisions you have the right to keep it private or public...
