“Yeah, I am at the airport but they tell me that flight is delayed for 2 hours. Postpone the meeting to a time in evening and make sure the client has no complaints. Now I am hanging, I have a call waiting.”
Raj disconnects and reconnects his held call “Yes Maa... Sorry kept you on hold for long.”
(Mom says something from the other side) “No Maa, i am going to delhi for work, i am not going to meet any Sharma ji ki daughter in between. “
”Yeah, I know my age, but mom, please. I told you and i am sticking to it. Mom there is another call coming, i am hanging up. Bye, Love u... “
Raj disconnects and again answers the new call “Yes Abhinav, (listens to abhinav) No dude!!! I can’t. Tomorrow i have meetings with Investors, and then evening, i have to leave for Mumbai. You know everything, and you call me asking for time. You know, every minute i have scheduled for my work. I can’t spare time for anyone.... Hey.....!!!” and there was a sudden silence.
While he was answering the call, he had turned around, to see the person who tapped him from behind and Life was standstill in front of him. “Hello, Hello... Raj” voice was audible from phone while Raj stood dumbstruck
“I will call you back... Yeah... I will... Hanging up now...” He disconnected the phone still looking at the person who had tapped his shoulder.
“Why are you looking at me like this? Don’t tell me, you don’t know me.” She spoke as she smiled.

“How are you? Where have you been so long?” she enquired as they sat across the coffee table at the airport coffee shop.
“Just got busy with life and then got lost in the crowd. Now handling my own business, IT solutions here in Mumbai. ” Raj answered
“Busy?? You just vanished after college, what happened? Kabhi yaad nahi aayi dost ki? (didn’t you miss your friend)”
To miss you, I have to forget you. “Nothing, life happened. You tell, how are things with you? So hows married life?”
"Married? who? I am still single ... And you?” she was a bit shocked on that question
“Why? I thought... (he stopped for a sec) Where’s Karan?”
“Karan? Who Karan?” she enquired
“Karan Singhania, our batchmate. He proposed to you the last day, and i guess you liked him.”
“What?? He did propose me, but i didn’t say yes. Why will I?”
There was an awkward silence for a moment, Yamini looked into his eyed and asked “You thought, i was in love with Karan..? and that’s why...”she stopped
Raj was silent, His face betrayed him, they showed the guilt and pain in his eyes as he looked into her. Raj wanted to express, but he didn’t have the courage like he didn’t have 5 years back. But this time he was caught. He could see it in her eyes and as he was about to explain when Yamini got up “My flight has been announced. Raj it was good to see you.”
She turned around and started walking, to the counter to check in for her flight. Finally a drop of tear just got through the strong barrier of her will and came out flowing on her eye; she immediately wiped it and kept walking. She also loved him, even 5 year earlier but she thought he didn’t. Today when she realised that 5 years of her life she lost because she didn’t tell her friend that she loved her, just because of fear that Life will change if she told him. But life did change, but not the way she thought.
Raj could see her walking away from him, he had to do something, He had to tell her that He loved her, even 5 years back he was in love with her and till date he is. He didn’t want to miss her and he got himself indulged in work. But today he realised she loved him and he had to tell her that he loved her too. It was getting late, as she was walking away. But now she was not visible, she vanished as she checked in and entered the transit zone.
Last time they didn’t express and lost 5 years and today when they realised they could, but again didn’t, how many years again they don’t know.
Tell what you feel, because sometimes things unsaid always stay in your life as a question that “What if i had expressed?”
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